– Hooks studied and designed in Italy for live trolling.
-ReDentex Front = towing hook –
-ReDentex Back = hook hook
– Closed eye with Red Closed Eye technology for both (one of the most requested things by live bait anglers that no other company has in their catalog).
-TLC profile for both, multiplies the strength of the steel so as to allow us fine and penetrating hooks and in addition holds the bait firmly in the correct position.
-Superlong NeedleSharp tip guarantees unique penetration.
-Coastal PTFE: guarantees 5 times greater penetration into the predator’s mouth and excellent resistance to corrosion
-Redentex Front is the only octopus style hook in the world that does not offseat so as to avoid that once our bait begins to spin in the water, inhibiting the attacks of predators (known phenomenon caused by offseat hooks).
-Red Dentex Back instead offseat will guarantee better hooks.
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Besplatna dostava iznad 40€
Za sve narudžbe koje ne zadovoljavaju uvjet besplatne dostave nudimo slijedeće mogućnosti:
- Dostava kurirskom službom - 6,00€
- Preuzimanje u našoj poslovnici u Splitu - besplatno