ŠTAP SGS2 EGING 2.64M 2.5-3.5


SGS2 EGING These delicate, finesse rods provide unrivalled feel and sensitivity when eging (squid fishing), meaning you can feel even the slightest touch from a squid and be ready to strike. Despite their incredible sensitivity, the blanks in these rods offer a very progressive fast action that allows you to set the hooks incredibly quickly in a squid’s tentacles to minimise the risk of tearing. They also allow you to cast further than you might expect – a truly specialist collection of high quality rods.
• SeaGuide Gold Label reel seat
• SeaGuide Gunsmoke SW Guides
• Extra Delicate Egi Blanks
• CCS Guide Setting
• Toray high modulus carbon fibre
• Tough EVA handles
• Deluxe rod bags

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